The African Moors had a lasting impact on Europe's intellectual development and brought the continent from the Dark ...

Jesus Christ of Nazareth lived from around 6 B.C. when Augustus Caesar was Emperor of Rome to around ...

What made Imhotep stand out, particularly in the world of Egyptian medicine at the time, was that his ...

The Romans would go on to rule Egypt for nearly 700 years before the Arabs, in December 639, ...

Mansa Musa amassed so much wealth that he has been described by historians as the richest man in ...

Among the ancient Egyptians, women were respected, birth control was used, and premarital sex was rampant. ...

Ancient Egypt lasted from 3100 B.C. when Narmer reigned as Egypt’s first king and ended in 30 B.C. ...

In 15 years of conquest, Alexander the Great never lost a battle. His military tactics and strategies are ...

There is a high probability that Shishak sacked Jerusalem by taking their gold, silver, and other precious treasures ...

The Great Walls of the Benin Kingdom built by the Edo people c.1055, is one of the Seven ...

Athena also played a vital role at the beginning of the Trojan War, as she along with Hera ...

Scholars of Ancient Egypt knew little of Hatshepsut’s existence until 1822 when they were able to decode the ...

Nebuchadnezzar barricaded Jerusalem for nearly two years and eventually breached the walls of the city in the month ...

The serpent was so huge that it denied Regulus and his army access to the Bagradas. With its ...

John XII preferred battles to Bible study, hunting to holiness, and was a notorious adulterer and liar. The ...

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